Intro, offers a professional web development service, for you or your business. I would like to charge $350CAD, for a full year. That gets you a custom URL ( and a custom email (, for one year, plus unlimited updates for the full year. If this sounds good to you, you can email me at,, with your name and contact information, and I can send you a professional invoice from PayPal, so we can get started.

I will provide online support, and anytime updating. There are lots of templates to choose from to start with, and we can make changes to customize your web experiance, as we go.


You should already have an idea of what you want your website to look like, and what you're going to say. I'll be able to help you find the apporoprite links and information required.

If you have any writing you would like to included in your website, you should have it ready in PDF form, so I can easily copy and paste the information into your website.


I have post secondary training in Web Development, and I'm also a General Scientist. I have lots of credits in Psychology, and Art. In my spare time, I've managed to study nearly everything else there is, plus I've made plenty of inventions of my own. I have a lot of new scientific discoveries to introduce, and I look forward to presenting them to the world.



This is bold and this is strong. This is italic and this is emphasized. This is superscript text and this is subscript text. This is underlined and this is code: for (;;) { ... }. Finally, this is a link.

Heading Level 2

Heading Level 3

Heading Level 4

Heading Level 5
Heading Level 6


Fringilla nisl. Donec accumsan interdum nisi, quis tincidunt felis sagittis eget tempus euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan faucibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam adipiscing eu felis.


i = 0;

while (!deck.isInOrder()) {
    print 'Iteration ' + i;

print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';



  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  1. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  2. Etiam vel felis viverra.
  3. Felis enim feugiat.
  4. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  5. Etiam vel felis lorem.
  6. Felis enim et feugiat.





Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


  • Disabled
  • Disabled
